The Edge of Sydinvest EM

  • Unbroken Partnership
    From 2001 and until today the core investment managers of Sydinvest EM have formed an unbroken partnership that is unique in the industry. The last senior team member joined in 2013. Partnership means for Sydinvest that we believe there is value in developing long-term team relationships across all the key functions within the investment team.
  • Opportunistic Style & Approach
    Everybody sells active management. Not all deliver.
    Sydinvest EM believe in active management and that it requires skill and willingness to take the road less travelled.
    Having a lean, efficient yet consistent investment process has allowed Sydinvest to observe, research and execute investments in less researched parts of the universe and Frontier countries with significant success. 
  • True Quality in  Performance
    Sydinvest’s EM management team has provided our clients with consistent and long-term risk adjusted performance across all our strategies in the hard, local and blended currency space since the first product launched in June 2001. A dedicated approach to ESG-factors ensures our clients invest with a socially responsible and sustainable approach.
  • Capacity to Deliver Our Style
    EM debt markets are feeling the impact of shrinking liquidity all while more and more investors chase higher yield. We have capacity to deliver on our process and express our views with impact on performance. Often into opportunities unfit for our larger peers. 
  • Highly Competitive
    Sydinvest’s approach to its team and investment process has both been proven as historically stable and it is built with a sustainable process that is expected to deliver significant future value to our clients. We offer our clients reasonable fees terms and believe in the value of long term client relationships built on transparency and mutual trust.